Shazak insight
Of Tourists, Scouts, and Spies
Now for some definitions from the Shazak dictionary:
Tourist: People who travel to foreign lands to enjoy the sights and experiences that the land has to offer, as in, “The tourists couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the Niagara Falls falling!”
Spy: A person sent on a secret mission to gather information about the enemy. As in, “This suspicious, sneaky spy secretly saw the enemy’s secret plans.”
Scout: One who is sent ahead to gather information, as in, “The Boy Scout went ahead to find the easiest trail for younger kids.”
So what’s the connection between tourists, scouts, and spies with Parshas Shlach?
A lot! In the beginning HaShem’s instructions were clear – LaSur Es HaEretz. With an Israeli or Sephardic pronunciation, it would be LaTur Et HaEretz – “To Tour the Land.” This was the message from HaShem, “Trust in Me. I said the Land of Israel is very, very good. But if you insist… go. However, go like tourists and come back like tourists, telling your fellow Jews all about your adventures.
But then, things changed… for the worse. They switched roles, deciding on their own to become scouts – more than just tourists. Investigating. Oh, no!
Then another switch… even worse! They acted as spies, with a secret mission (perhaps even dressing like spies – with trench coats, upturned collars and dark sunglasses.)
This was their sin… changing the mission, and as we shall see, they failed miserably and caused a major delay in arriving in Eretz Yisrael – in fact, a 40 year delay.
Now let’s take this one step further:
Our Sages call this sad episode, the Chet HaMeraglim – The Sin of the Spies. Wait! Not one place in the Chumash does it mention the word spies!
But perhaps this is what our great Rabbis were pointing out – the sin was the fact that they considered themselves Meraglim – spies!