The BIG Question

Do you have a brother or sister, or maybe a cousin or neighbor, who is 3 years old? Then you know that 3 year old kids ask a lot of questions. Well, when our forefather Avraham was a little boy of just 3 years old, he also asked plenty of questions. He was so curious and wanted to know: “Who rules over everything in the whole wide world? Who takes care of the universe?”
So Avram, as he was then known, set out to investigate. He sat on a grassy hill and gazed up at the sky. “The sun looks so bright and hot and powerful. Could the sun be the ruler of the world?”
But the sun set when evening came, as the sun always does, and Avram knew that the sun could not be the One he is looking for. “A King would never turn His back on His world!”
Avram sat and watched as the moon took the sun’s place in the sky. Gazing at the shining, white moon, Avram wondered, “Could the moon be the ruler of the world?” But the moon set when dawn came, and the sun rose again to light up the morning.
So Avram had to keep looking to find his answer. He walked and walked through meadows and hills and valleys. He looked at the clouds and trees and flowers and rivers, and he observed animals of all kinds swimming, flying, and running everywhere.
At last Avram realized, “Each of these things is so very beautiful and special. But none of them could be the One and Only Ruler of the Whole, Wide World. There must be some being who created them all!”
Then it struck him! “I know! There must be such a super force that is everywhere, all the time, but can’t be seen to us human beings!”
This is how Avram discovered HaShem, and from then on he shared this insight with everybody he met. “I have great news to tell you – HaShem created the whole wide world. Let me tell you all about it. It’s absolutely amazing!”

Terach’s Idol Store

Avram knew who HaShem was, but his father, Terach, refused to believe his son’s discovery. In fact, Terach was an idol-worshipper, and he even had a store to sell idols! (Who knows? Maybe the store was called “Idols R Us”?)
This upset Avram very much, and finally he had a chance to do something about it.

Avram Takes a Stand

One day, Terach left his son Avram in charge of his idol store while he went out for a while.
Within a few moments, a very tall man entered the store.
“Show me the biggest idol you have in stock. It must be as big as or even bigger than me. Money is no object,” he said as he took out a huge amount of cash from his wallet.
“How old are you?” Avram questioned him.
“I am 53 years old.”
“And you want to spend a ton of money for a god that was just made yesterday?!”
“Hmmmm. You’re pretty smart for such a young boy,” he said and quickly left the idol store.
Next, a very old woman entered. She told Avram the terrible news. “Young man. I must buy some idols… a thief robbed me of all my idols last night and I can’t be in my house without idols for protection. Quick sell me some idols!”
“No problem,” answered Avram. “But if the idols couldn’t protect themselves and they were stolen, how do you expect them to protect you?!”
“You got a good point, sonny-boy…”, and she walked out empty-handed.
While he was sitting alone in the store, surrounded by lifeless statues, a lady came in with some delicious food for the idols. An idea popped into Avram’s head.
He grabbed an ax and smashed all of his father’s idols – ALL, except the largest one. When he was finished, he placed the ax in the arm of the one remaining idol and placed the food in front of it.

What a Mess!

Upon returning home, Terach entered his store and… What a shock! What a mess! “What on earth could have happened here?” Terach demanded to know.
Avram replied, “See that big idol standing over there? All of the idols were shouting and fighting over the food, and the biggest and strongest one grabbed an ax and smashed all the others to pieces! There was no way I could stop him.”
“What?” Terach exclaimed. “That’s impossible! That’s just a piece of rock. It can’t eat. It can’t talk. It can’t hear. It can’t move. It certainly can’t use an ax!”
“Father,” Avram replied, “you are quite right. But if an idol can’t eat, can’t talk, can’t hear, can’t move and does not have any power, then why in the world do you bow down to it?!”
Do you think Terach realized the truth in his son’s words? No way. He was burning angry!

A Fire and a Miracle

After the idol-smashing incident, Terach informed King Nimrod about Avram’s “terrible” act. Nimrod immediately brought Avram to a fiery furnace near his palace, pointed to an idol, and cried out to him, “Bow down to this idol or be thrown into this fire!”
This did not frighten Avram. He knew that a human king can never be more powerful than HaShem. He refused to bow down to the idol. Nimrod was furious and he ordered Avram to be thrown into the flames!
But miracle of miracles! HaShem commanded the fire not to harm the one who has served Him so faithfully. Avram came out from the fire without a burn or a scratch! He announced to all, ”It is HaShem, the Creator of the world, who saved me.”
As soon as Haran, Avram’s younger brother, witnessed this great miracle, he declared, “Amazing, Avram! I now believe in the ONE AND ONLY HASHEM.”
Immediately, King Nimrod’s officers seized Haran and threw him into the flames. But unlike his brother, the great Tzaddik Avram, Haran did not survive the intense fire of the furnace. Avram was devastated and decided that from then on he will take care of Haran’s orphaned children, Lot and his sister Sarai.
Terach, Avram and their families settled in a place called Charan, far away from the wicked Nimrod.
Years passed. Avram continued to learn more and more about HaShem and went around teaching as many people as possible all about the Creator of the world. He also ended up marrying his niece, Sarai – MAZAL TOV! CONGRATULATIONS!

Avram Packs His Bags

While living in Charan, Avram and his wife, Sarai, continued to teach others about the one G-d, HaShem, and gained quite a few followers. Avram taught the men and Sarai taught the women.
HaShem saw that Avram and his wife were the most special, the most righteous and the most faithful people on planet earth. He decided to make Avram the father of the Jewish people – a holy nation, and Sarai the mother.
One day HaShem called to Avram, “Lech Lecha – Go away from your land, from your birthplace, and from your father’s house, to the land that I will show you. I will bless you and make you great!”
Could you believe it? Avram didn’t even know where he was going, yet he was ready to do whatever HaShem asked of him. He left immediately with his wife, Sarai, and his nephew, Lot. They were also joined by many of the people whom they had taught to believe in HaShem.
So how did Avram know where to go? HaShem sent special clouds that showed them the way.