A Close Call

Just as Yitzchak finished the blessing, Yaakov heard Eisav’s heavy footsteps approaching! Quickly and quietly, Yaakov slipped out.
“Here I am!” Eisav bellowed to his father as he entered the room. “What a great piece of meat I’ve found for you! Time for my blessings!”
“Who are YOU?” he asked.
“It is me. Your oldest son Eisav!”
Now Yitzchak was really confused. “What is going on here? Who is this? Eisav? It sure sounds like him. But…if this is Eisav…then…who was here just a moment before?”

Too Late, Eisav

A great fear overcame Yitzchak. He trembled. “Someone else had just brought me some meat, and I already gave him my blessing. Yes… Blessed he will be,” said Yitzchak.
Eisav screamed a bitter great cry. He begged, “Please bless me too, Father!”
“I can’t. Your brother already got the blessing,” Yitzchak responded.
“That sneaky Yaakov!” cried Eisav. “First he took my birthright, and now my blessing! It’s not fair! I demand a blessing! Surely you have the power to give more than just one blessing.”
“Eisav, what blessing can I give you?” replied his father. “I made your brother Yaakov master over you, and therefore any blessing I give you, rightfully belongs to him.”
Still Yitzchak took pity on Eisav and blessed him, “By the fat of the land you will live. You will be a great fighter, a master of the sword, yet you will not be more powerful than your brother, unless he stops learning Torah and doing Mitzvos.”
“Some blessing!” thought Eisav. “Boy, I really hate my brother Yaakov! Thanks to him, I ended up with a second-rate blessing! Soon my father will die and then I’ll finish off that trickster. I’ll kill him, once and for all!”

Time to Leave

Rivkah had a special gift, called Ruach HaKodesh. With that Holy Spirit, she knew exactly what Eisav was plotting, so without hesitation she took action. With a sense of urgency she called Yaakov, “My dear son, there’s no time to waste. Eisav is planning to kill you. You must run away. Go to my family in Charan.”
She hoped that a little cooling-off time would calm Eisav down.
Not wanting to reveal to Yitzchak the real reason why she wanted Yaakov to escape, Rivkah told her husband, “I absolutely forbid Yaakov to marry the kind of girls from around here.”
Yitzchak immediately called Yaakov, “I command you not to marry a girl from here in Cana’an. Travel to your mother’s family in Charan and find yourself a wife from the daughters of Lavan. May HaShem shower upon you many blessings. You shall be fruitful and become a great nation!”
Yaakov now had the blessings from both his parents and off he went to Charan!

Tune in Next Time

What lies in store for Yitzchak? Will Eisav harm his twin brother? What will become of the Jewish nation?


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