
In last week’s Parsha, Yaakov got the blessings from his father, Yitzchak. Eisav felt so cheated that he wanted to kill his brother Yaakov. “REVENGE!” cried Eisav. “I will finish off my brother Yaakov once and for all.”
Yaakov ran for his life. His parents instructed him to go to Charan, the birthplace of his mother, Rivkah. Yaakov sneaked out of town quietly, but somehow Eisav found out. He sent his son, Elifaz on a mission to kill his Uncle Yaakov.

Your Money or Your Life?

Elifaz didn’t really want to harm his uncle, but he had no choice. Armed and determined, Elifaz soon caught up with Yaakov and threatened to kill him!
“Wait, Elifaz!” said Yaakov. “Please don’t kill me! I have an idea. Take all I my money! Without money, I’m worthless – like a dead man.”
Elifaz agreed happily. He robbed Yaakov of everything, including all the expensive gifts he had prepared for his future wife. But Yaakov was just thankful to be alive!

Holy Dreams!

On his way to Charan, Yaakov stopped at Mount Moriah. There he prayed Maariv, the evening prayer, and prepared to go to sleep.
During the night, Yaakov had a prophetic dream. He had a vision of a huge ladder that stretched all the way to heaven and Malachim (angels) were going up and down the ladder.
Then, HaShem spoke to Yaakov in his dream, “I am the G-d of Avraham and Yitzchak. This land that you rest upon, I will give to you and your descendants. Your offspring will be as many as the dust of the land. May you have strength and burst forward with blessings in all directions; west, east, north, and south. I will be with you and protect you wherever you go. You will return home safely.”