The Roof and the Walls

In any major building, every detail is important, even the roof. So too, in the holy building of HaShem, the Mishkan. The covering was unique. It had 3 layers, made of all kinds of colorful animal skins. It was absolutely breathtaking!
The walls were made of beams of acacia wood, each one 10 Amos long. An Amah is a measurement that equals about 2 feet. The beams fit into silver sockets at the bottom – just like a giant set of Legos!
As a final, decorative touch, stunning curtains hung at the entrance to the Mishkan and around the courtyard inside.
In addition, HaShem gave Moshe many more instructions and fine details on how to construct this portable Mishkan in a way that even in a huge desert sand storm, it would remain standing strong and steady and not shake back and forth like a huge Slinky.